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I donated and took the challenge did you?  Please take some time to donate to ALS research or any other foundation you feel need a hand to get on with their research

My brothers and me spend a few hours on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge to give it a Archery twist,

(no wather was waisted that was the shower of the week for me, and no animal was hurt durring the filming) :-)

Siden vil omhandle mig og mit liv på skydebanen: billeder, historier, resultater og meget mere fra mine mange rejser rundt om i verden. Klik endelig forbi mine sponsorer - og støt op om dem, for uden dem var intet muligt.

Håber I vil finde det interessant.

Martin Damsbo

DAMSBO like to shoot at DOMINO Target Butts

DOMINO Target Butt makes the best tournament an

even better tournament – good for me and my arrows.


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